Wednesday, March 17, 2010

View from the Street.

This past weekend we took the kids into San Francisco to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade. A work comrade of my husband's invited us to walk in the parade with him and his family. We thought the kids would really get a kick out of it, so we willingly obliged.  It ended up being one of the funnest things we've done since we moved to California.

A little pre-parade reflection primping.

After a quick lesson in flag waving, we were off and marching.

While marching in the parade, I had an exceptional vantage point for all the colorful characters lining the parade route.  Indulge my rather blurry photos, because I found some of them quite comical.

My children were convinced this was a leprechaun.  I didn't have the heart to disagree.

I suspect this gentleman had no formal affiliation with the parade. He did have a homemade Segway constructed with a stool and a lawn mower motor.  He zipped all around us on the parade route, circling the vehicles.

Could this baby all decked out in his Irish gear be any cuter?

I thought this group of young folks was particularly festive.

Check out these smiling Irish eyes.

The most important thing I learned was when marching in a parade behind the horses, you have to watch your step and the step of your young children marching behind said horses.

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