Monday, August 3, 2009

The Hungry Lurker.

A few weeks ago, the Three Bay B Chicks had an insightful, yet hysterical post about the different personality types one encounters at the playground.  I saw a bit of myself in that post, or rather my child.

Meet.....the Hungry Lurker.

It looks innocent enough.  A child at the pool, eating a snack.  What great organization this mom has, writing her child's name "Riley" on the outside of the bag, presumably to help her child keep track of his snack. Unfortunately, the child eating this snack is named "Clayton."

Hello, my name is Peaches and my son is the Hungry Lurker.


Mainly a midwife said...

That's a great picture and post. Made me laugh. He is such a sweet boy.

forever folding laundry said...

This is the best blog post you have EVER written!! I love that picture!! He can lurk in our snacks anytime.


Jennifer Friedman said...

My favorite thing about this picture is that he looks like he is offering Riley's snack to you!

Peaches said...

Don't be fooled. He offers nothing to no one. I probably said "Whose snack is that?" and he held the bag up so I could read it.

Stu Pidasso said...

That is too funny! Boundaries, son, we're talking boundaries here!! But no harm, no foul. And congrats on your new camera! Happy holidays to you and yours.

Unknown said...

Hungry lurker : ) that is the cutest thing ever : )

Unknown said...

Oh, and I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you!