Friday, February 20, 2009

My Valentines.

Our celebration of Valentine's Day stretched out over three days.  It started with the kids addressing Valentines to their classmates.  Ansley was very excited about doing this all by herself for the first time.

Barrett finished writing her name very quickly, so quickly that I didn't even get a picture [probably because I told her she could have candy after she was done]. It took Ansley a bit longer and a bit more concentration.  She was very proud of her finished result.

The kids convinced me to let them sample the extra Fun Dip Valentines.  We couldn't hand out anything to her classmates that we didn't approve of ourselves, could we?

On Saturday night, we had a nice family Valentine's Day dinner.  The food delicious.  The company beyond compare, with the usual amount of chaos. Romance however, there was none. 

My little chef helped me make the Valentine's cupcakes for dessert.

While the girls were preparing their classmates' Valentines, Barrett decided to make two individual Valentines for friends who are not in her class, Isabella and Riley.  Ansley also decided to make a Valentine for her friend Logan.

This is what I overheard:
A:   Barrett, how do you spell Logan?
B:   L-O-G-U-N.
A:   Barrett, how do you spell love?
B:   Ansley! You don't write "love" on Valentines to boys.  I'm not even drawing hearts on Riley's Valentine.  I'm drawing a baseball, instead.  Boys don't like hearts and love.

At least they're learning early.


Tulip Row said...

My husband is convinced that Fun-Dip makes our kids act like loonies!

Counselormama said...

If "grown up" food colored our tongues and mouthes like that, I can't imagine!