Sunday, January 25, 2009

Word Up.

We are a Princess family.  We play with Barbies.  We have pink plates, cups and spoons.  My husband is well-versed in pony tails v. pig tails (although he is not the preferred hairdo parent). After four years of complete and utter girl-dom with two daughters, we were blessed with a son.

Until recently, we had not yet entered the realm of superheroes. Unfortunately, the "Super Friends" show that my husband and I grew up watching on Saturday morning no longer exists.  The animated superhero shows of old have been replaced with a darker and more violent variety which, in my opinion, are completely inappropriate for a 2 -1/2 year old.

Not too long ago I discovered a show on PBS called "Word Girl".  It's educational, age appropriate and, most importantly for me, for thirty minutes it will hold the attention of children of both genders whose age differences span 4 years.

 Yesterday while bowling, I had this exchange with my 6-1/2 year old daughter:

P:  Hold this bowling ball so I can take your picture.
B:  This ball is cumbersome.
P:  WOW!  You're so right.  I'm assuming that came from Word Girl?
B:  Of course.  I learn a lot of great words from that show.

Do you know what else is cumbersome?  Taking a 2-1/2 year old boy bowling.


forever folding laundry said...

Wow - what a great word! And, I would add that taking a 2.5 year old boy bowling is not only cumbersome, but tiresome and when-will-this-stage-be-over-some as well.

Tulip Row said...

I love when kids use big words! I will definitely search for that and TIVO it! Pinky Dinky Doo is good for that too. Also, if you have DirecTV that old superhero show is on at night on one of those cartoon channels! My 2 1/2 year old boy loves it... however he never gets to watch due to a very in charge older sister!

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Hey, I just followed a clickety click trail until I ended up at your site and wanted to leave you a little comment since your post was too cute to ignore.

Word Girl does totally rock! And her monkey sidekick, seriously HILARIOUS!

Thanks for the laugh!


3 Bay B Chicks said...

I come to your site today with a public service announcement. The Super Friends are most definitely still on TV. They may be found on the Cartoon Network. Although they undoubtedly pale next to Word Girl in terms of building up a child's vocabulary, you'll be happy to know that Wonder Woman is still flying around in her invisible plan somewhere on cable.


Tulip Row said...

I tagged you on my blog, check it out for details!